Here is a short description of the QMPlayerWidget - class.
You can use this class in any Qt - application and have all the power of MPlayer at your disposal.
I developed this class to incorporate into 'Q' DVD-Author and work together with the MediaInterface of this project to enable multiple Media backends.
You can find the demo project file Here.
Find Here the doxygen documentation of the QXineWidget - class.
Here is how you would use the class in your application :
m_pMPlayerWidget = new QMPlayerWidget (vframe, "MPlayerWidget");
// Next we create a GridLayout to have the QXineWidget take the full space of the QFrame - Object.
m_pMPlayerLayout = new QGridLayout (vframe, 1, 1, 4, 6, "MPlayerMainLayout");
m_pMPlayerLayout->addWidget(m_pMPlayerWidget, 0, 0);
void MyClass::slotPlay()
QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName ( "./", QString ("Movie Files ( *.mpg *.mpeg *.mov *.vob *.MPG *.MPEG *.MOV *.mov )"));
m_pMPlayerWidget->setFilename ( fileName );
m_pMPlayerWidget->slotPlay ( );