How to translate 'Q' DVD-Author

Here are the steps involved to convert 'Q' DVD-Author into your language.
Note : I will use spanish as an example.

  1. Change the qdvdauthor/ - file
    You need to add your language file into the project file. Simply add your language translation file to the TRANSLATIONS - line. E.g.
              TRANSLATIONS    = i18n/qdvdauthor_de.ts \
  2. > lupdate qdvdauthor/
    This will create the file qdvdauthor/i18n/qdvdauthor_es.ts (if you work on the spanish translation).
  3. > linguist qdvdauthor/i18n/qdvdauthor_es.ts
    This will open the translation GUI, where you need to translate the strings from each listed Class.
  4. > lrelease qdvdauthor/
    This step will create the file qdvdauthor/i18n/qdvdauthor_es.qm, which is the compiled translation file used by 'Q' DVD-Author.
  5. > cp qdvdauthor/i18n/qdvdauthor_es.qm ~/.qdvdauthor/
    This command places the file whene 'Q' DVD-Author can find and access the translation file.
    Note: This step is also performed when you run 'make install' as normal user.

At this point you have all requirements to see QDVDAuthor in the new language. In order to switch to another language you need to set the LANG environment variable to your language like so:
> export LANG=es
> qdvdauthor
Now you should see qdvdauthor in the specified language. If not then the qdvdauthor_es.qm - file can not be found and you should check if the file is in the right place.

Please remember that the qplayer, and qslideshow sub-projects do also need to get converted. The steps to accomplish this are the same as for qdvdauthor.

I implemented also a menu item in the main menu under 'Tools -> Languages' where you will be able to switch the language.

Varol ;)

Last updated October 31'st 2004

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